
We Conserve Mount Nittany as a Natural Treasure for All Generations


We conserve Mount Nittany in its natural state as a symbol of Penn State and the Nittany Valley and for the benefit of the public.


We practice conservation, protection, and management of Mount Nittany and surrounding lands and promote related stories, traditions, and cultural experiences as enriching historic, scenic, recreational, and environmental resources.


We believe that the conservation of Mount Nittany, and the work of inspiriting the natural and cultural landscapes through experience, friendship, and knowledge, are essential for the thriving of all those past, present, and future who dwell near the gentle show of the Mountain.


As a public charity, the preservation of Mount Nittany for future generations of Centre Countians, Penn Staters and other lovers of the outdoors is our primary mission.

With more than eight miles of volunteer-maintained trails and scenic views, Mount Nittany offers a unique setting for local recreation. Since 1981, the Mount Nittany Conservancy has been working hard to protect Mount Nittany from commercial and residential development by acquiring land and maintaining existing lands for the benefit of the public.

We build and maintain trails and overlooks, conduct clean-up projects, and take action against invasive species. We work to prevent further development encroachment on the view of the Mountain by working with existing land owners to plan for long-term conservation whenever possible, and look for parcels of land to conserve from development in the future. We wish to hold or place under conservation easement all available land from the 1,300-foot elevation to the 2,200-foot crest as seen from the campus and the Mount Nittany Expressway, as well as add land on the Boalsburg side as public support, private generosity, and other funding permits.

To learn more (and see a trails map), download our brochure, Mount Nittany: A Symbol of our Pride.