Your final 90 minutes to give

We’re in the home stretch! Centre Gives concludes at 8 PM Eastern tonight. Now is the time to make your gift.

Make a Gift Now for Mount Nittany

If you’ve already made a gift, thank you! We ask that you forward this appeal to family and friends and ask them to match your gift within the next 90 minutes.

Your love for Mount Nittany makes its conservation possible. And the work of conservation is costly. We are asking for your contribution today toward our Centre Gives fundraising goal for conservation work over the year to come.

Signage. Brochures. Trail maintenance. Dead tree clearing. Scenic overlook renewal. Erosion repair. Each of these crucial areas of the Mount Nittany Conservancy’s work depends on support from the people of Penn State and the Nittany Valley’s communities. Now is the time that we ask that you renew your support.

If you haven’t yet made your gift, please do so now. If you want to connect with us directly to make a gift, please call the Mount Nittany Conservancy at (814) 264-4646.

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